

About us

  • Small company with big activity

The company was established in 1990 as a distributor of electro-optical products and has become importing high-technological products from worldwide. Keystone is a specialist on electronics and optics and have experienced in handling from small pencil type laser to high power industrial lasers. The company is small enough for quick decision making but big enough for their experience you will seldom see. This means that you can use this powerful resource, which you have not obtained so far, easily and will be succeed in Japanese market. So, if you are thinking of Japanese market, do not hesitate at all, please contact us. Remember "We are aggressive!"

Maker and Products

Alpes Lasers: QCL
Arroyo Instruments: LD Driver / TE Controller / Mounts and Cables
APS (Snake Creek Laser): Laser Module
BOYD (Lytron): Chiller
CEDRAT: Piezo Actuator
CNI: Laser Systems and Laser Diode (UV~IR)
CTS(Noliac): Piezo Actuator
Dover Motion: Motion Stage
intense: High Power Laser Diode
Kadel: Dewar
LED Microsensor IR LEDs
Lytron: Chiller
Meerstetter Engineering: LD Driver / TE Controller
Meshtel: Laser Modules and Laser Diode
nanoplus: DFB / FP / QCL / SLD / Mid-IR LEDs
National Aperture: Aperture / Small Stages
NEPTEC: Fiber Cable ASSY / WDM
Net Work Cable: Fiber Cables
Piezomechanik: Piezomechanik
Piezosystem jena: Piezomechanik
Quater: 3axis Stages and Accessories
RPMC: High Power Laser Diodes
Schafter+Kirchhoff: Fiber Coupler and Collimator / Line Lasers / Cameras
Shanghai DLT: DPSS Lasers
Sheaumann Laser, Inc.: IR Laser Diodes
Teledyne Judson technologies: Detectors
Union Optronics: Red - IR Laser Diodes
Wavespectrum: Laser Diodes (SM/MM) / Fiber coupled Laser Diodes and Systems

Contact Information

Kurosawa Bldg., 3F
13-27 Sakasai, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0042, Japan
Phone: +81-(0)4-7175-8810
Fax: +81-(0)4-7175-5669
e-mail: key@keystone-intl.co.jp
For general information, please click to send an e-mail for our further contact.

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